Kanary Copilot

The fast and free way to fight doxxing and digital stalking.

Online safety actions automated from the privacy of your device.

Kanary Copilot

The fast and free way to fight doxxing and digital stalking.

Online safety actions automated from the privacy of your device.

Kanary Copilot

The fast and free way to fight doxxing and digital stalking.

Online safety actions automated from the privacy of your device.

Meet your guides

We’re a small team who launched a data removal service in 2020, now loved by over 20,000 people.

Copilot is our next adventure!

Kanary Copilot

Free. Available now.

Meet your guides

We’re a small team who launched a data removal service in 2020, now loved by over 20,000 people.

Copilot is our next adventure!

Kanary Copilot

Free. Available now.

Meet your guides

We’re a small team who launched a data removal service in 2020, now loved by over 20,000 people.

Copilot is our next adventure!

Kanary Copilot

Free. Available now.