How To Set Up Your Sponsored Kanary Account


Mar 13, 2024

Welcome To Kanary!

Your organization is helping you reduce the risk of doxxing, harassment, and hacks by sponsoring your Kanary account. Your private data like home address, phone number, and family members is nobody's business. By locking down and scrubbing sensitive data from the web, Kanary makes it harder for attackers to build personal and convincing attacks against you and your organization.

Using Your Partner Code

Kanary makes it easy to set up your account and associate it to your organization so you don't have to pay the subscription. Follow the 5 steps below to join your team's organization. Once set up, Kanary will start automatically finding and removing your online risks.

NOTE: You must enter your partner code before clicking 'Create account'. If you end up on a payment page asking for your credit card, please reach out to support: [email protected].

  1. If your team is providing you with an annual membership, go to:

  2. Before entering your email, click 'Have a partner code?' and enter the code your admin provided. If you click 'Create account' before entering this code, you will need to reach out to support for help [[email protected]].

  3. Enter your company email -

  4. Add a strong password

  5. Click Create account

Set Up Your Account

Go through the onboarding and enter your basic information. Instructions are available here in our onboarding guide. You will need to verify your email. If you do not receive an email verification request like the screenshot below, please check your spam filter, notify your admin that our email was blocked, and reach out to support: [email protected] so we can unblock you.

Scans and removals work automatically, but the system has various ways you can help speed up or unblock difficult issues. For questions, we have more details about how it works & faqs, additional resources for harassment, doxxing, and hacks on our blog, and video walk throughs on youtube.

And most importantly, reach out any time for support! [email protected]

Don't be a sitting duck.

Find where your personal information is being exposed online and remove it for good.

Or, send us a note [email protected]. We’ll respond within a day!

Kanary - Find your exposed personal information, delete it | Product Hunt

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